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The current context means that we have to do more with less, while improving quality. This is only possible by investing in human capital. Everything is possible if we establish a “creative state”, innovating and motivating people to do things differently and better. Only in this way can we “do more with the same”.


The Creative Being is laid-back, playful, and free to contribute – with discernment – to processes that need to be adjusted and improved to meet ever-increasing demands. With this organizational climate, we will also have a healthier environment where everyone wants to be there and contribute.


Innovation can be achieved through Creativity , which is inherent to all human beings, but which is often dulled by the formatted and automated day-to-day routine, not only in professional activities, but also in personal matters.


Within this context, BrainBridge Consultoria comes to provoke and instigate people to do things differently. We show paths that can lead all individuals to put themselves in a “creative state” and thus overcome themselves, expanding their potential and putting it at the service of the organization.

Workshop de Criatividade

Duração: 16 horas


A cena Teatral, do Drama à Comédia, só tem sentido, graça e razão pela existência do “conflito”. Toda a ação gira em torno da resolução de um problema, um obstáculo a ser superado. Assim como no teatro, no mundo corporativo, os departamentos e as equipes buscam atender bem o cliente, resolver seus problemas e cumprir metas.


Toda a equipe deve estar envolvida, imersa, focada e criativa na execução de certas tarefas.


Pela similitude destes dois universos (Corporativo e Teatral) é que desenvolvemos o Workshop de Criatividade que através de jogos e dinâmicas teatrais, possibilitam o despertar do estado criativo, tão útil para ampliar as capacidades individuais e das equipes.


Com este processo pretendemos trazer para o dia a dia um “Fazer Corporativo” mais harmônico, criativo, prazeroso e produtivo.

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