Comprar e vender produtos, negociar serviços, contratar, despedir. Saber negociar é fundamental para resolver uma pendência, fechar negócios, ganhar novos clientes, resgatar clientes inativos. Muitas são as situações que demandam ações eficazes dos negociadores.
The market demands greater resourcefulness from professionals in terms of their ability to relate to others and negotiate. Most of the factors that affect the effectiveness of negotiations are related to attitudes, postures, values and interpersonal skills.
Creativity in the negotiation process favors flexibility, better use of diversity and the reconciliation of opposing situations, facing and conducting the negotiation in favor of both parties, resulting in proactive leaders and breaking paradigms.
Talented negotiators are able to:
Know and know how to manage weaknesses;
Take an interest in others, always seeking to understand their needs;
Maintain postures and attitudes that can generate trust;
Know how to listen;
Create a climate of mutual cooperation.
Sales dynamics through theatrical games
Duration: 4 hours
The actor's work tools (body, voice, intelligence) are, in some ways, the same as those of the salesperson. Sales professionals – just like actors – also have the difficult task of “convincing”: the salesperson strives to convince the customer that buying a certain product is a good deal, just as the actor tries to convince the audience that the story being told on stage is true.
Participants simulate sales situations in which they attempt to achieve their goals (the sale), overcome obstacles (customer objections), be aware of their motivations, perceive and meet customer needs, as well as the company's profit and their respective commissions. Their "performances" and persuasiveness in the improvised scenes are later analyzed by the group, and possible deviations or inappropriate behaviors are corrected.